Entry Form
The event will be organised in accordance with the FIM Sporting code and the National Sporting Codes. The competitor commits himself/herself to comply with the FIM Sporting Code, the National Sporting Codes and the Supplementary Regulations of the race in question.
The participant as per Article 60.2 of the FIM Sporting Code in an official event exonerates the FIM, the FMNR, the officials and organisers, their employees and officers and agents, from any and all liability for any loss, damage or injury which he/she may incur in the course of an official event or the training thereof, subject always to Art. 110.3 of the FIM Sporting Code.
Furthermore, the participant undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the FIM, the FMNR, the organisers and officials, the employees, officers and agents, form and against any and all liability to third parties for any loss, damage or injury for which he/she is jointly and severally liable.
The undersigned rider certifies that he/she has taken an individual insurance policy covering death, permanent disability and the medical treatment.